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Old 08-06-2016, 09:46 AM
paulmighty paulmighty is offline

Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 11

Default Re: Include GTM Script immediately after <body> tag?

In addition to trying to use a few combos of @ListChild list="body" and list="layout.slidebar" with my custom .tpl I also tried an alternate approach modifying the skins/mytheme/customer/en/body.tpl template like below, where getGTMCode() is a function defined in my custom module:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="{currentLanguage.getCode()}"{foreach:getHTMLAttributes(),k,v} {k}="{v}"{end:}> <widget class="\XLite\View\Header" /> <body {if:getBodyClass()}class="{getBodyClass()}"{end:}> {if:getGTMCode()}<!-- Google Tag Manager -->{getGTMCode():h}<!-- END Google Tag Manager -->{end:} {displayCommentedData(getCommonJSData()):s} <list name="body" /> {** * Please note that any custom list child of 'body' will NOT have its CSS/JS resources loaded because the resources block is being 'body' child itself. Use 'layout.main' or 'layout.footer' instead. *} </body> </html>

This produces output on the frontend that looks like this (I've simplified it for clarity), where the #slidebar nav element is still above the GTM code:
<body> <nav id="slidebar">…</nav> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <noscript>…</noscript> <script>…</script> <!-- END Google Tag Manager --> <script type="text/x-cart-data">…</script> <div id="mm-0" class="mm-page mm-slideout">…</div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <div id="mm-blocker" class="mm-slideout"></div> </body>

I greatly prefer NOT having to customize body.tpl, because then my module is dependent on my custom theme. Any suggestions? Looking forward to any ideas

In the second code example above I noticed that when viewing page source (as opposed to looking at the markup in Dev Tools), the GTM script is being placed above the <nav id="slidebar"> element, so I assume that #slidebar is being moved by some JS at runtime. So when decorating body.tpl, I get the placement I want, but then my custom module is theme-dependent, which is not ideal. How do I achieve the same script placement in my module without making it theme-dependent?
X-Cart Version: 5.2
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