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Old 04-02-2004, 07:54 AM
rickallen1 rickallen1 is offline

Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 16

Default Still having problems

I've tried adding month and year dropdowns and still can't get the variable to pass to the payment processor. I'm using I-Transact and it works fine with the default register_ccinfo.tpl.

Boomer, I tried your mod, but 3.5.4 must be different than the other version. It didn't work for me at all.

I'm reasonalbly sure that this mod might work fine for writing the concated card_expire to the database, but it doesn't get passed to the payment processor.

Here is what I went with in skin1/main/register_ccinfo.tpl at about line 62:

<tr valign=middle> <td align=right>{$lng.lbl_cc_expiration}</td> <td><font class=Star>{if $config.General.check_cc_number eq "Y"}*{else}{/if}</font></td> <td nowrap colspan=3> {if #safeCCNum# eq ""} <select name="card_expire_month"> <option value="01">01</OPTION> <option value="02">02</OPTION> <option value="03">03</OPTION> <option value="04">04</OPTION> <option value="05">05</OPTION> <option value="06">06</OPTION> <option value="07">07</OPTION> <option value="08">08</OPTION> <option value="09">09</OPTION> <option value="10">10</OPTION> <option value="11">11</OPTION> <option value="12">12</OPTION> </select> <select name="card_expire_year"> <option value="04">2004</OPTION> <option value="05">2005</OPTION> <option value="06">2006</OPTION> <option value="07">2007</OPTION> <option value="08">2008</OPTION> <option value="09">2009</OPTION> <option value="10">2010</OPTION> <option value="11">2011</OPTION> <option value="12">2012</OPTION> </select> {else} {#safeCCExp#} <input type=hidden name=card_expire value="{#safeCCExp#}"> {/if} </td> </tr>

I then tried concating the variables in both customer/register.php and payment/payment_cc.php with no luck. Here is the line that was added for that:
$card_expire = $card_expire_month.$card_expire_year;

When I submit an order through, the card fails and I get no reason from I-transact. The concated date is making it through payment_cc.php though, because the date is showing up in the failed order info in admin along with the cc number. The reason text is blank like this. Reason: : :

My thought is that card_expire is not being added to the array $userinfo["card_expire"] and I have no idea where this is set. Just haven't been at php, smarty or x-cart long enough to figure this one out.

I agree that having a dropdown selection for expiration date would avoid some mistakes and frustration for customers, especially with realtime processing. We have gotten lots of failures due to this.

I know that this is really close if someone can fill in the blanks I'd really appreciate it.

X-Cart Ver: 4.2.1
PHP Ver: 5X
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