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Old 04-10-2015, 05:02 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

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Default Re: Changing Versions for Custom Modules

Originally Posted by cflsystems
Now why data is wiped out if module is disabled? The module is still there. Not uninstalled. It is simple not active. So if I have a module run for 6 months and data is save din tables, then I disable it for any reason all this history will be lost? And when I enable it again in a week or so everything starts from the beginning? This doesn't make sense.

Imagine a module which adds additional data to completed orders, like some custom shipping data. Now all this will disappear if I disable the module? This is history of the store operations. It should stay intacked. What if customer asks or wants to know about this data 2 months from now, or it is needed to provide prof of delivery or something...

I understand the module has the way to collect, save and print this data and when it is disabled there is no way of doing it but to wipe out all of the previously recorded data is just not right. Not to mention in many countries it is actually the law to keep these records for minimum of X years... You can't just delete them because of this or that.

I am not sure how you can solve something like this but obviously the way it is right now is not right.

Steve, what you are suggesting is right. I agree that this is not working properly at the moment.

The real problem is we cannot change this right now, because 5.2.2 is designed to be upgraded from 5.1.11 and we cannot ship 5.1.12 that fixes the problem.

I am sorry that this problem is here at the moment.

However, the problem will be fixed in 5.2.x branch and next major upgrade will work smoothly.

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