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Old 03-28-2004, 07:12 PM
Light Speed Light Speed is offline

Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 921


What can I do to the code to make it work to allow caching?

The mod code looks like this:
{* ==================== Sub categories mod start *} {section name=cat_num loop=$subcategories} { if %cat_num.first% } {if $tmp} [img]{if $current_category.icon_url}{$current_category.icon_url}{else}../icon.php?categoryid={$cat}{/if}[/img] {/if} <table width="75%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> {/if} { if %cat_num.index% is div by 3} <tr> {/if} <td align="center" valign="top"> <a href="home.php?cat={ $subcategories[cat_num].categoryid }"> [img]../icon.php?categoryid={$subcategories[cat_num].categoryid}[/img] <font class="ItemsList">{ $subcategories[cat_num].category|escape }</font> {if $config.Appearance.count_products eq "Y"} ? ?{if $subcategories[cat_num].product_count} ? ?({ $subcategories[cat_num].product_count } Products) ? ?{elseif $subcategories[cat_num].subcategory_count} ({ $subcategories[cat_num].subcategory_count } Subcategories)</a> ? ?{/if} {/if} </td> { if %cat_num.last% } </tr> </table> {/if} {/section} {* ==================== Sub categories mod end *}

So they are calling the subcat icons with this line:
[img]../icon.php categoryid={$subcategories[cat_num].categoryid}[/img]

And I want the browser to cache the image so I guess I need the code to be written to the page as a true url to the image.

How can I do that?
Do have to make a new tpl file for the sub cat icons that functions like the product_thumbnail.tpl file? Is that what generates the true urls for the thumbnails? How would I implement that?
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