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Old 10-23-2014, 05:27 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

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Default Re: Wordpress in XC5 -- wordpress home page as site home page?

Hi Jan!

I believe, after change of getAllowedTargets() method you start receiving PHP errors into <X-Cart>/var/log/ folder like this:

[23-Oct-2014 15:09:46 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function XLite\Module\QSL\WordPress\View\getInfoAboutWP() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/next/src/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/QSL/WordPress/View/WordPress.php on line 58 [23-Oct-2014 15:09:46] Error (code: 1): Call to undefined function XLite\Module\QSL\WordPress\View\getInfoAboutWP() Server API: apache2handler; Request method: GET; URI: /next/src/; Backtrace: #0 Includes\ErrorHandler::logInfo(Call to undefined function XLite\Module\QSL\WordPress\View\getInfoAboutWP(), 1) called at [/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/next/src/Includes/ErrorHandler.php:324] #1 Includes\ErrorHandler::handleError(Array ([type] => 1,[message] => Call to undefined function XLite\Module\QSL\WordPress\View\getInfoAboutWP(),[file] => /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/next/src/var/run/classes/XLite/Module/QSL/WordPress/View/WordPress.php,[line] => 58)) called at [/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/next/src/Includes/ErrorHandler.php:309] #2 Includes\ErrorHandler::shutdown()

If you look into these errors you will see that you need to require_once several PHP files:

and then track down other errors if they arise.

All I can say is that WP module was done with assumption that it will be displayed on blog page. That is why implementing it on home page should be considered as another task. Pretty much the same as skot told you earlier.

Anyway, I am not saying that you cannot accomplish it yourself. Surely, if you have PHP knowledge, you will implement this task.
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