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Old 08-22-2014, 03:49 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 2,431

Default Re: Ideas implemented within X-Cart 5.1.4

Originally Posted by RichieRich
Is there any plan for import/export of product ratings?

I feel it should be done via migration script, because you do not need to import ratings and reviews on regular basis.

Originally Posted by ADDISON
Good job Tony. Please search for my ideas inside XC4 or the ones I voted already (Addison). My experience with a few shopping carts over 12 years is there. If you move XC4 good features to XC5, with good documentation too, more will migrate to XC5. Also 3rd party developers could evaluate if they can migrate their best selling modules to XC5.

You should have documentation split like Smarty: for developers and for designers. Make a series of tutorials for both, there is a lack of information in this moment. Mike also did a great job for XC4 with his videos, but we should have same for XC5.

Just think about you take a person who know programming and feed it from scratch to eat XC5. What they need basic to understand the code, and so on. Give hundreds of examples and you will see how many could join your ideas and vision about seeing the product.

You are absolutely right, Addison. I am already doing it. I started with taking feedback from forums and writing guides for existing problems of developers. Besides that, I want to have dedicated sections for payment gateway creation and theme creation.

Payment gateway docs will be available in several weeks and designer guides will be available a bit later.

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