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Old 08-19-2014, 03:32 AM
sparrowdog sparrowdog is offline

Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 244

Default x-cart 4.6 with x-payments and one page checkout

I am having issues getting the x-payments hosted service and an x-cart 4.6.1 store to work properly with the one page checkout. The way it's set up to work makes no sense to me.

In x-payments, I have my templates set to IFRAME FOR X-CART 4 ONE PAGE CHECKOUT.

When you type a credit card in to the iframe on the One Page Checkout, then go over to the third column to leave a comment, click the terms & conditions and then submit the order, the following error message appears.

"The marked fields are empty or have an invalid format".

If you go back to the credit card iframe again, and enter all the card details and then click the ENTER key on your keyboard, the order goes through.

However, there is no signal anywhere in the cart that this should happen, and the customer has no way of adding a comment in the third column or agreeing to the terms & conditions.

I'm obviously missing something here or there's a fault, but I can't get it to work. Surely these two integrate better than that?
Version 4.1.6 to 4.1.11
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