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Old 08-08-2014, 04:40 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

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Default Re: Is there an easier way to rearrange the order of the content in mobile view?

Hi Ben!

I am afraid not. Sidebar comes first because its HTML code is higher on the page and the only way to make it come first is to change the consequence of the HTML chunks.

Basically, you can achieve it if you write your own skin. Will it work for you or not?


Originally Posted by benmackie
In X-Cart 4 the main content came first, then the sidebar when viewed on a mobile device.

In X-Cart 5 the sidebar comes first.

I like it that way, but my client wants it where the main content comes first, then the sidebar.

I am hacking my way around using CSS media queries, but I don't like to hack a layout like this.

Is there a better way to do this from the backend/admin area?
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