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Old 01-14-2014, 04:09 AM
vladimir.gritsenko vladimir.gritsenko is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 202

Default Re: Refine Filters module released

Originally Posted by whitesunglass
Another feature that's really needed is color grouping.
For example, if the products have all sort of blue colors like sky blue, navy blue, dark blue, blue, etc, we don't want to show all of them in the color section of the filter, otherwise it would have hundreds of color blocks showing. We only want to show the major colors (Black, Gray, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, etc..).
The module should allow grouping these colors to a general "Blue" and when the end user clicks on the "Blue" filter, it should show all the products that have associated blues.
This is crucial for stores that has lots of products.

It's not a default feature but it may be easily added within a custom modification. Feel free to contact our sales.
Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Gritsenko
VP Marketing @ X-Cart
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