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Old 10-09-2013, 01:18 AM
BBM_ BBM_ is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 595

Default Re: CloudSearch service for X-Cart has been released

Hi Nikita,
1. Do you mean that you need a way to disable suggestions for some words?
Yes please this would be ideal.
2. Default X-Cart search have many settings and options which influence the final result and replicating all of this behavior on the CloudSearch platform is kind of a big task. I guess that the right way to start here is to have a beta version that could be tested by some volunteers. I can't give you an ETA on this now, but if you would kindly agree to beta-test this in future, it would help.

Apologies I should clarify - Currently if you press enter on the CloudSearch text field, you are taken to the default X-cart search results (which are not ideal) can we have it that if a user presses enter on the CloudSearch text field that are taken to a page that has a similar layout to the default x-cart results - but populated with the Cloudsearch results instead (as they are much more relevant)

I hope this clarifies the above.

Edit: Sorry more than happy to beta test some features!
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