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Old 06-03-2013, 04:38 AM
vladimir.gritsenko vladimir.gritsenko is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 202

Default Re: Refine Filters module released

Originally Posted by BrianY
If you are still taking suggestions to improve the Refine Filters module, I have one.

Basically when the module is set to "Display filters on category page" there needs to be an auto scroll down of the page to make sure the filtered products are in view. Otherwise it can appear as though the filter did not work.

To see an example of what I am talking about, go to your demo store that is running the Refine Filters and click on the Toys category. Then check the filter for Bucky Balls and select show. You will see that on most monitors the customer can't see the product that the Refine Filters module is showing. Now imagine this page with 3 or more rows of sub categories above the products instead of 2 rows and the problem gets worse.

Could you program the Refine Filters module to auto scroll the page down to show the filtered products?

Hi Brian. Thank you for the suggestion. Indeed, on a low resolution device the products section may be not visible. We will think about how to improve it and probably fix it in the future.
Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Gritsenko
VP Marketing @ X-Cart
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