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Old 03-18-2013, 01:57 AM
  ADDISON's Avatar 

Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 2,613

Default Re: Testimonials module released!

The price seems to be fair in my opinion. QT offers modules and extras providing access to the code, updates and new features for lifetime.

[off topic] I don't understand why most of the 3rd party developers encrypt the whole script, instead of encrypting only the license part. They just force customers in this way to use unfair options like decoding the modules. I could be interested in buying lots of modules if I can access the code to make some changes if I don't like something, if I find a bug and creator doesn't reply. I hope you did not forget the problems we had with different developers who left the platform leaving lots of customers without support. So please be mindful in encoding your solutions. XC success depends on you too.
X-Cart Next: Business 5.2 (learning and testing)
X-Cart Classic: Gold and Gold Plus 4.7
Lots of Modules and Customizations
OS in use: Red Hat Enterprise, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux
Ideas for Server configuration (basicaly): Nginx/Pound (reverse proxy), Apache/Nginx (webserver), Squid/Varnish (cache server), HHVM or (PHP-FPM + PHP 5.6 + opcache), MariaDB/Percona MySQL Server, Redis (storing sessions)

You can catch my ideas here:
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