Originally Posted by PhilJ
- Extremely lightweight, uncomplicated HTML editor
- Up to eight times faster than CKEditor!
- jQuery powered, easy to implement, use it wherever necessary
- Includes basic WYSIWYG options with drag-n-drop image uploader
Licensing starts at $19 - redactorjs.com - Edit: now $99
Tested with v4.5.2, but should work for earlier versions.
QT devs might want to consider this for future X-Cart versions, as it's great 
hi phil,
after reading your post, i've buyed and installed this editor, but i have a problem.
in shot and full product description, editor starts to write in
bold and image upload doesn't work.
instead in news management, category, static pages, editor works well.
any idea
thanks in advance
4.7.6+ fashion walk + xbanners2 + xmenusR
cdseopro - xcms - OPC
enterprise hosting on handsonwebhosting
IMAC with Sierra 10.12
======= on test (maybe ready in 2031)