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Old 02-27-2013, 02:09 PM
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cflsystems cflsystems is offline

Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: X-Cart 4.5.5 released

So my first attemp to install fresh 4.5.5 few days ago failed. All kinds of errors. Downloaded new installation package today and tried again - the faster installation ever. No issued. Not sure if the installation pack was re-uploaded with fixes or something went wrong the first time I copied it...

Still doing some tests but so far so good from what I can see. This is fresh instalaltion not an upgrade so the upgrade may have all kinds of problems.

Modifying products does not produce 404 page, neither new or existing products. What I see though on the modify product is that after click on apply changes the modify product script calls caterories rebuild for some reason (although changing categoires cannot be done from product modify page) and this slows down page load and it may also cause the 404 error

Rebuilding the subcategory blocks cache (all categories, 3 membership levels and 1 languages): . . .

Not sure why this needs to be there...

As mentioned before some - Affiliate graphic banners and Library items for Affiliate media-rich banners - have images set to DB even though I specifically selected File System when installing...

I have huge 2CheckOut commercial ad banner on payment methods page in admin - Did I installe free software? No I did not. Should I see commercial in it? No I should not... I am ok with QT announcement about newly released modules or upgrades or patches... but honestly I do not want to see advertisement in paid XC version. I know - next step is QT will start selling ad space in XC admin area...

Some admin settings are set correctly as per country I selected when installing the cart but some are not - country selected USA and "working week starts from" is set to Monday, time format is set to 24hrs. Yes I like it as 24 hrs and to me Monday is the logical choice but not in USA...

Still seeing this

RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} !^401$
in Clean URL settings for htaccess file - this line caused problems before and I do not see why it should be there anyway

And the biggest issue from before to me at least - address book - still the same way - hardcoded fields with no way to add anything between to make the address comply with the standards, whatever they are...

Bestsellers still depends on Adv Statistics module we all know this module must stay off or the cart is a snail... Bestsellers should depend on actual orders not on statistics. Something is a bestseller not because its page was viewed 1000000 times but because it was bought 1000000 times...
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development