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Old 02-13-2013, 08:33 AM
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BCSE BCSE is offline

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Default Re: DPM (PA/DSS Compliant)

Originally Posted by jcrim

I'm a new web store looking to incorporate a payment gateway using Authorize.Net. I currently have aim account and my site is functional/products (except for the payment gateway). I deciding if I should pay your third-party module to implement DPM.

When using your BCSE DPM Module on X-Cart 4.5.x... Can you clarify exactly what is needed to be done on the xcart site. My question is 1. Under XCart Admin > Settings > Payments Method. What payment method do I need to setup to be able to use DPM? Do I need to install x-payments ( aim) method and then install your module (or) use the existing Authorize.Net: SIM method and apply your module to use direct post method?

Is there anything else needed on the xcart side.




You can probably get the fastest response via support but I'll try to answer your questions here.

The DPM module uses AIM credentials to communicate. DPM runs over AIM's protocol basically. You can in theory have SIM and DPM running at the same time. If your X-cart does not support AIM then you *can* still use the DPM. Some people get confused on that. Older versions of the DPM just use the settings from AIM, it doesn't actually use the coding in X-cart for AIM.

X-payments isn't required and will not work with the DPM module. The purpose of the DPM module is to help take your shopping cart out of the scope of PCI compliance so X-payments isn't needed (it does the same thing, taking X-cart out of PCI compliance requirements by taking the CC through X-payments instead of X-cart). Most banks accept (not heard of any yet that don't) the DPM module as a viable solution to PCI compliance since X-cart no longer sees/transmits the CC number anymore.

I hope that helps.


Custom Development, Custom Coding and Pre-built modules for X-cart since 2002!

We support X-cart versions 3.x through 5.x!

Home of the famous DPM & CIM Modules, Reward Points Module, Point of Sale module, Speed Booster modules and more!

Over 200 X-cart Mods available & Thousands of Customizations Since 2002 -

Please E-Mail us for questions/support!
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