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Old 01-17-2013, 04:56 AM
  ADDISON's Avatar 

Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 2,613

Default Re: X-Cart v4 licensing and it's reusing in new businesses

Personally I agree this. But please take in consideration once you make this our expectations from your company will change. Ok, you can solve a money problem you still have from the very beginning. And there is not secret other companies offer updates for money, generally 1 time per year, but for this these companies offer features and a much better support for solving bugs & issues. I am not including in my point of view any paid technical support - just what customers get for giving money at a due date.

I was disappointed how the things were going inside your company, about XC future. I decided to give you one more chance. Hope to see in 2013 a brand new XC, even on v4 platform, but in a better shape. To see bugs solved in time, "must have" features. And everyone being happy for choosing X-Cart.
X-Cart Next: Business 5.2 (learning and testing)
X-Cart Classic: Gold and Gold Plus 4.7
Lots of Modules and Customizations
OS in use: Red Hat Enterprise, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux
Ideas for Server configuration (basicaly): Nginx/Pound (reverse proxy), Apache/Nginx (webserver), Squid/Varnish (cache server), HHVM or (PHP-FPM + PHP 5.6 + opcache), MariaDB/Percona MySQL Server, Redis (storing sessions)

You can catch my ideas here: