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Old 11-22-2002, 12:12 AM
funkydunk funkydunk is offline

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Default Re: Importing existing Users List

Originally Posted by Getcarter
Hi guys,
I have a user list of about 400 dealers and would like to import them into the databse...

any ideas how i can do this?

if anyone can help will be great, i'm using phpMyadmin to manage the db.


The table in x-cart is xcart_customers.

The hard part will be putting the password into the table so that it will work - is it an existing x-cart dealer list?

If so, if you export the data from the existing table using phpmyadmin and then simply import the sql into the new table.

If it isn't.... a lot of work is needed to encrypt the password that you have in a flat file to get them into the database.

The function in xcarts func.php script is:

function text_crypt($s) { global $START_CHAR_CODE, $CRYPT_SALT; if ($s == "") return $s; $enc = rand(1,255); # generate random salt. $result = text_crypt_symbol($enc); # include salt in the result; $enc ^= $CRYPT_SALT; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) { $r = ord(substr($s, $i, 1)) ^ $enc++; if ($enc > 255) $enc = 0; $result .= text_crypt_symbol($r); } return $result; }

Now in theory it should be possible to run each name in your list through this function and then add it to the table.

Enjoy !!

ex x-cart guru
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