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Old 07-27-2012, 11:34 AM
AMMoyer AMMoyer is offline

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Posts: 150

Default Cart Total doesn't match Order Amount

I've added a drop ship charge to my XCart installation based on membership id. I've added some code to func.cart.php and func.order.php so that your order gets charged the appropriate drop ship fee based on your membership level. The cart shows the charge and the total is correct in XCart. It even gets written to the database field I addeed to xcart_orders table.

When you get to XPayments and enter your payment info, everything seems fine until it kicks you back to the store and the following error is shown.

Order processing error

Order declined.
Review your data or contact the store administrator.

Reason: Error: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. (The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.)
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I've checked the totals using the webmaster console and everything seems to be fine on the cart side, but somehow XP is checking the total charges against the cart totals and it's not matching so it bombs. Where is this check and how can I pass the drop ship charge to XP so the check is correct?

X-Cart Gold 4.4.5 - Live
X-Cart Gold 4.1.11 - Retired
X-Payments 1.0.4
EWD Hosting
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