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Old 06-28-2012, 01:21 PM
keystone keystone is offline

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Posts: 787

Default agree to terms and conditions

I have the "agree to the terms and conditions" set so a user has to agree before making a purchase. For some reason when I or anyone else clicks the link to actually VIEW the terms and conditions before agreeing to them, the pop up window opens up but is empty. Worse than that is that the whole checkout page freezes. You have to refresh the screen and re-enter you address details to checkout. I'm using Alterd Carts OPC mod. Here is the code that us used for the link to view the terms on the checkout page.

Yes, I have read and agree to the <a href="javascript:checkoutViewTerms();"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">terms and conditions</span></a>.

that whole code is stored in lbl_co_agree_terms. I don't know where it is looking for the terms and conditions, I have an embedded static page with mine. Is that the problem?
__________________ - X-Cart Version 4.7.11 Gold Plus php7.3
running on UNIX X-Cart Gold Plus - Version 4.7.11 php7.2
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running on UNIX
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