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Old 05-30-2012, 03:59 PM
joelrhome joelrhome is offline

Advanced Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 89

Default Re: Upcoming X-Cart v 4.4.6 (now renamed to 4.5.0) & PCI-DSS requirements

To anyone interested in trying out our solution, you can see it in action here:

login with:

Password: 1

Use this Visa test card number: 4111111111111111

If you want to get this on your X-Cart site, all you need to do is switch payment processors and the benefits are:

1. It does NOT send customers away from your site or even your checkout page.
2. Get better rates than your current processor
3. Setup is free - we will even install it for you an verify functionality.
4. Save lots of money and aggrivation, while taking your site out of scope for PCI Compliance.

Our module loads X-Charge, a validated payment application into the default X-Cart dialog box right after you hit the submit button at checkout. The customer can still see the Checkout page in the background, so they never leave your site.

For those interested in more credibility of Accelerated Payment Technologies, and their application X-Charge, go here:

By the way... I am open to feedback from the pros.
Joel Rhome
x-cart 4.4.X