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Old 10-12-2011, 03:26 PM
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vasilis vasilis is offline

Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 758

Default Re: Category thumbnail image size front page?

by checking your site with firebug, it looks that the 16px width and height of the category icons are not set by any style rule, but are hard-coded in the corresponding template that renders the icons - probably the template for the side-menu which is 'customer/categories.tpl' (you can find the exact template by using the webmaster mode), so you might want to look into it for code similar to
<img width="16" height="15" alt=""
which is repeatedly rendered on every anchor element, for each category, so the above code will be located inside a {section}...{/section} or {foreach}...{/foreach} pair of smarty tags for looping the rendering of each category and icon.
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