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Old 10-09-2011, 12:22 PM
frank_s frank_s is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 35

Default Re: cdseo pro on xcart 4.4.4 Install ?


Thank you again for your assistance.

This was a fresh install.

1. Deleted all files under public_html

2. Expanded all files from Xcart 4.4.4 onto local hard drive.

3. Uploaded files to new public_html

4. Deleted old SQL database

5. Created a new SQL database.

6. Ran X-Cart install which included changing permissions on some files.

7. Installed original CDSEO Pro. Vers. 1.5

8. Uploaded upgrade to CDSEO Pro Vers 1.7

9. Modified template files per instructions on CDSEO install instructions.
I am seeing the Custom Modules tab in the Xcart Admin and under it is the link for CDSEO Pro (SEO Administration) and when I click on it I receive:

ERROR: Can not initiate application! Please check configuration.

10. Tried to initalize web-based installation for CDSEO via init.php

Thats is when the Error appeared.

ERROR: Can not initiate application! Please check configuration.
I have also received the following from my web host:

You would have to show us how to replicate the error in order to have any idea what the issue might be. You might also check with the makers of the application.

X-cart Gold
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