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Old 08-25-2011, 08:31 AM
balinor balinor is offline

Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Connecticut, USA
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Default Printable Packing Slip - 4.4.x

Thought it was about time I updated this mod for 4.4

First, open up include/history-order.php. Find this code around line 56:

if ( in_array( $mode, array( 'invoice', 'label', 'history', ) )

Replace with:

if ( in_array( $mode, array( 'invoice', 'label', 'history', 'packing', ) )

Next, find this code around line 143:

} elseif ($mode == 'label') { func_display('main/order_labels_print.tpl',$smarty);

replace with:

} elseif ($mode == 'label') { func_display('main/order_labels_print.tpl',$smarty); } elseif ($mode == 'packing') { func_display('main/order_invoice_packing.tpl',$smarty);

Next, we add a new button to your admin area. Open up skin/common_files/main/history_order.tpl and look for this line of code around line 88:

<td class="ButtonsRowRight"> {if $order.status eq 'A' or $order.status eq 'P' or $order.status eq 'C'} {assign var=bn_title value=$lng.lbl_print_receipt} {else} {assign var=bn_title value=$lng.lbl_print_invoice} {/if} {include file="buttons/button.tpl" button_title=$bn_title target="_blank" href="order.php?orderid=`$order.orderid`&mode=invoice" substyle="link"} </td>

Add this immediately AFTER it:

<td class="ButtonsRowRight"> {include file="buttons/button.tpl" button_title="Print Packing Slip" target="_blank" href="order.php?orderid=`$order.orderid`&mode=packing" substyle="link"} </td>

Next, create a template called order_invoice_packing.tpl (a simple text file) with the following code in it:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>{strip} {capture name=title} {if $config.SEO.page_title_format eq "long_direct" or $config.SEO.page_title_format eq "short_direct"} {section name=position loop=$location} {if not %position.first%}&nbsp;::&nbsp;{/if} {$location[position].0|strip_tags|escape} {/section} {else} {section name=position loop=$location step=-1} {if not %position.first%}&nbsp;::&nbsp;{/if} {$location[position].0|strip_tags|escape} {/section} {/if} {/capture} {if $config.SEO.page_title_limit lte 0} {$smarty.capture.title} {else} {$smarty.capture.title|replace:"&nbsp;":" "|truncate:$config.SEO.page_title_limit|replace:" ":"&nbsp;"} {/if} {/strip}</title> {include file="meta.tpl"} <style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY {ldelim} FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 11px; MARGIN: 10px; PADDING: 10px; {rdelim} --> </style> </head> <body{$reading_direction_tag}> {if $config.Appearance.print_orders_separated eq "Y"} {assign var="separator" value="<div style='page-break-after: always;'><!--[if IE 7]><br style='height: 0px; line-height: 0px;' /><![endif]--></div>"} {else} {assign var="separator" value="<br /><hr size='1' noshade='noshade' /><br />"} {/if} {section name=oi loop=$orders_data} {include file="mail/html/order_invoice_packing.tpl" order=$orders_data[oi].order customer=$orders_data[oi].customer products=$orders_data[oi].products giftcerts=$orders_data[oi].giftcerts} {if not %oi.last%} {$separator} {/if} {/section} </body> </html>

Upload it to the skin/common_files/main/ folder.

Create a new language variable in your 'languages' area of the admin called txt_thank_you_for_purchase_packing. This will be the 'thank you message' at the bottom of the packing slip so that you can have a different one for packing and the invoice.

Finally, you need to upload the two attached files into the skin/common_files/mail/html folder. They are the packing slip and order data display. Note these are customized by me, so you'll want to tweak to your specs.

Attached Files
File Type: tpl order_data_packing.tpl (5.6 KB, 343 views)
File Type: tpl order_invoice_packing.tpl (6.0 KB, 343 views)
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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