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Old 05-24-2011, 02:05 PM
Bowery Bowery is offline

Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 27

Default Re: Changing colors in template

Thanks for the help! I found more than one main.css files. Could you help me find the one that you are talking about? And could you tell me what to replace ECF3F7 with for a "transparent" box color?

Originally Posted by JWait
Do a search in your main.css and look for ECF3F7 which is the color of the "boxes" around the items not displaying.
Some specific things are

.checkout-payments tr.payment-details td {
background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #ECF3F7;

div.address-book-link {
background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #ECF3F7;

Which seem to be the boxes around the checkout data. I suggest changing the background color and not the text color as you have a dark color background on the rest of your site.

The part being "cut-off" is probably because your .checkout-container isn't set wide enough to contain all of the data.
X-Cart v4.4.2
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