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Old 05-18-2011, 01:04 PM
FineDesign FineDesign is offline

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 28

Default Smarty error syntax error unrecognized tag


I have a need to modify list2matrix.php (/include/templater/plugins). After making a VERY MINOR change, I get the following error when I view my Home page:

⌠Error: Smarty error: [in customer/main/products_t.tpl line 5]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: list2matrix) assign="products_matrix" assign_width="cell_width" list=$products row_length=$config.Appearance.products_per_row (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 446) in /home7/finedes2/public_html/dev/x-cart/include/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1093■

After restoring the original list2matrix.php and products_t.tpl files (I restored products_t.tpl because originally I was going to change list2matrix.php to list2matrixc.php - ⌠c■ for custom, but received the same ⌠unrecognized tag■ error - then changed the reference back to list2matrix.php in products_t.tpl) I STILL GET THIS ERROR.

I▓m thinking there must be some ⌠Smarty thing■ I▓m missing (maybe anytime you change any Smarty function or modifier it needs to be ⌠reset■ or re-compiled, etc).

Any Smarty/X-Cart ⌠gurus■ out there that know what might be causing this?

I'm running X-Cart Pro v4.4.2.

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