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Old 04-28-2011, 03:34 PM
welly welly is offline

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Posts: 209

Default Re: 'Add to Cart' Alert Message

I've been trying out this mod on our 4.4.2 installation, but I've found it a bit of a struggle to get working. The installation procedure is as simple as can be, and I installed both the original and the modified versions, both with the same results.

To be fair, much of the problem I had already caused. I had modified the products_list.tpl file for layout, and inadvertantly stopped the 'buy now' button from working correctly. Wasted some hours re-fiddling, and got the button working as it should.

Then I reinstated the alert code, but still no joy. It worked fine on the individual product pages, but not on the product list. Or so I thought.

It was actually working on some pages but not others, which is strange since they all work from the same code. I tried deleting some of the products from one of the non-working pages to see if it was a product name issue, but it wasn't.

I have now worked out that if you have featured products for a category (which in my case appear at the top of the page - not sure if this is standard), then the alert doesn't work. Actually, the alert box works if you add the featured product to your cart, but nothing in the standard product list will bring up the alert.

Remove the featured product(s), the alert works. Add a featured product to a different page, alerts on that page stop working.

This isn't a criticism. I love the mod and congratulate the author(s), and can't imagine there ever being a time when I could create something like this. I'm just making my findings available in case someone else sees the same thing. It took me a while to identify.

I presume it stops working because some code is repeated on the page - once in the featured products list, once in the main product list. Even if that is true (I don't know if it is, it's just an uneducated theory) I haven't got a clue how to rectify it.

If anyone has any thoughts on how to overcome this, I'd love to hear them (I am assuming of course that it isn't just something a bit screwy on my site!).


X-Cart Business 5.3.6
Various add-ons
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