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Old 03-04-2011, 06:23 AM
dhaworth dhaworth is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31

Default Re: New product announce: Detailed Minicart mod

Thank you for your reply. I filled your contact form out 4 times with no reply over the past 4 weeks. You might want to consider using autoresponders for your forms to assist customers with time frames as to when to expect a reply. I use mail list king which is a fabulous piece of marketing software.
You may want to check your form as when I submit it, I was always taken to the confirmation page which reads:

Your message was successfully sent to our support team.
We will reply to you shortly.


Anyway I am glad to finally get a reply. I have also now posted the following questions to your form again: Here is a copy of the posting with my remaining questions about your minicart mod. Perhaps it will be of assistance to other forum members if you reply on the forum.

Here is what I need to know to make an informed decision:

1) With your mini-cart module, what happens when I have set the cart to a specific height but the customer has more products than that size. Does it scroll?
2) Can I easily attach a very small thumbnail of the product to each product in the minicart?
3) Can shipping and /or taxes be added to the mini-cart as a line entry?
4) Can the cart be set to float up and down the page as the customer scrolls up or down so it is always visible no matter how far down a page the customer scrolls.

Thank You
Using X-Cart 4.4.2
System Messages mod for X-Cart -by, this is what the checkout process should be like
Smartsearch - from - easy to install / terrific for customers
OnSale - from - it just works!
Custom modifications by - he is terrific, always responds, reasonable fees
Using smart-template by because it takes seconds to make changes-looks fabulous-and Phil is responsive
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