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Old 01-31-2011, 07:00 AM
Donster Donster is offline

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Default Re: T-Hub & Windows SQL Server Issues

I solved my problem, will post for the benefit of others. Uninstalled and reinstalled the windows sql server, then reinstalled T-hub and restored saved T-hub database. (It takes about 30 minutes on my computer).

Restoring a backup of T-Hub is not a cut and dried matter. In my experience there will usually be SQL server issue, so restoring it's partition with imaging software may not always "bring you back".

The real key here for other users is in T-Hub settings to enable an auto backup of the database at program closing. Set the directory for the backup to a location least likely to be over written by a image restore. I use C: for Windows, D: for programs, E: for data. Backup all partitions (in fact the data drive can just have it's files backed up, partition not necessary), restore partitions that have an issue, thereby not overwriting your saved T-hub database backup.

Technically you loose some disk performance with every new partition that is installed in Windows, but splitting out the drives as above allows much more backup flexibility. And do not forget to set all of your program paths to save their date on E:, not in the defaults like in Windows Documents and Settings. I have done this for many years and it has served me very well.
X-Cart Gold v4.1.10
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