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Old 12-11-2003, 09:27 PM
jordan0 jordan0 is offline

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Default modifying my .tpl to form a complex search query

The problem :: In the beads section of my store, I need to give users a way to easily find the beads they are looking for. I carry a lot of different kinds of beads, so using the plain old X-Cart category set-up will leave the customers swimming through pages and pages of beads they don't care about.

The solution? :: I have decided that the best way to do this is to add a set of 3 pull-down menus to the header bar .tpl: size, color, and material; accompanied by a "go" button. The user can then select, for example, "Small Blue Glass" beads and browse a nice specific set of results. Included in the menus will be selections for "All sizes", "All colors", and "All materials".

** Update: I have figured it out! Thanks to Tuner's search.php contribution, I was able to simply copy and slightly modify a few bits and make it work for me. Hopefully someone else will be in my situation one day, and for them i will post my code below:


<? # # $Id: search.php,v 2003/06/02 11:57:44 svowl Exp $ # require "../smarty.php"; require "../config.php"; @include "./https.php"; require "./auth.php"; require "../include/categories.php"; $tmp=strstr($QUERY_STRING, "$XCART_SESSION_NAME="); if (!empty($tmp)) $QUERY_STRING=ereg_replace("$XCART_SESSION_NAME=([0-9a-zA-Z]*)", "", $QUERY_STRING); if(!empty($QUERY_STRING)) { # # Permorfm SQL search query # // LOOK HERE // new bit to split search string into separate words $con = ""; $substr = ""; $and="AND"; if(!$substring) { $substring=" "; } if(!empty($substring)){ $ss = split(" ",$substring); foreach($ss as $s) // nfc - we add support for other fields to search $con[] = "(".$sql_tbl[products].".product like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".descr like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".fulldescr like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param01 like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param02 like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param03 like '%".$s."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".productid like '%".$s."%'".")"; //$substr .= "&substring=".urlencode($substring); } if(empty($and))$and = "OR"; $substring_query = (!empty($con)) ? " AND (".join(" ".$and." ",$con).") " :" 1 "; #Bead Size Search $conp = ""; $andp = "AND"; if(!empty($search_bead_size)){ $ssp = split(" ",$search_bead_size); foreach($ssp as $sp) $conp[] = "(".$sql_tbl[products].".param01 like '%".$sp."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param01 like '%".$sp."%'".")"; } if(empty($andp))$andp = "OR"; $param01_query = (!empty($conp)) ? " AND (".join(" ".$andp." ",$conp).") " :""; #Bead Color Search $conq = ""; $andq = "AND"; if(!empty($search_bead_color)){ $ssq = split(" ",$search_bead_color); foreach($ssq as $sq) $conq[] = "(".$sql_tbl[products].".param02 like '%".$sq."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param02 like '%".$sq."%'".")"; } if(empty($andq))$andq = "OR"; $param02_query = (!empty($conq)) ? " AND (".join(" ".$andq." ",$conq).") " :""; #Bead Material Search $conr = ""; $andr = "AND"; if(!empty($search_bead_material)){ $ssr = split(" ",$search_bead_material); foreach($ssr as $sr) $conr[] = "(".$sql_tbl[products].".param03 like '%".$sr."%'"." OR ". $sql_tbl[products].".param03 like '%".$sr."%'".")"; } if(empty($andr))$andr = "OR"; $param03_query = (!empty($conr)) ? " AND (".join(" ".$andr." ",$conr).") " :""; // end of new bit $price_condition = $price_search_1?" AND $sql_tbl[pricing].price>='$price_search_1'":""; $price_condition .= $price_search_2?" AND $sql_tbl[pricing].price<='$price_search_2'":""; $price_substring = $price_search_1?"&price_search_1=".urlencode($price_search_1):""; $price_substring .= $price_search_2?"&price_search_2=".urlencode($price_search_2):""; if ($price_condition) $sort_by_price = "price"; if ($in_category) { $search_category = addslashes(array_pop(func_query_first("select category from $sql_tbl[categories] where categoryid='$in_category'"))); $search_categories = func_query("select categoryid from $sql_tbl[categories] where $sql_tbl[categories].category like '$search_category%'"); if(is_array($search_categories)) { $category_condition=" in ( "; foreach($search_categories as $k=>$v) $category_condition .= "'$v[categoryid]', "; $category_condition = ereg_replace(", $", ")", $category_condition); $category_condition=" ($sql_tbl[products].categoryid $category_condition or $sql_tbl[products].categoryid1 $category_condition or $sql_tbl[products].categoryid2 $category_condition or $sql_tbl[products].categoryid3 $category_condition) "; } } else $category_condition = "1"; $membership_condition = " AND ($sql_tbl[categories].membership='". $user_account['membership']."' OR $sql_tbl[categories].membership='') "; if ($store_language != $config["default_customer_language"] && $substring) { // LOOK HERE // nfc - always using default language so this case will never happen } else { // LOOK HERE // nfc - removed $substring_query =..... $search_query_count = "select count(*) from $sql_tbl[products], $sql_tbl[pricing], $sql_tbl[categories] where $sql_tbl[pricing].productid=$sql_tbl[products].productid and $sql_tbl[pricing].quantity=1 and $sql_tbl[products].categoryid=$sql_tbl[categories].categoryid $membership_condition and ($sql_tbl[pricing].membership='". $user_account['membership']."' or $sql_tbl[pricing].membership='') AND $category_condition and $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' and $sql_tbl[categories].avail='Y' $price_condition $param01_query $param02_query $param03_query $substring_query group by $sql_tbl[products].productid"; } $search_query = "$category_condition and $sql_tbl[categories].avail='Y' and $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' $price_condition $param01_query $param02_query $param03_query $substring_query "; $total_products_in_search = count(func_query($search_query_count)); # # Navigation code # $objects_per_page = $config["Appearance"]["products_per_page"]; $total_nav_pages = ceil($total_products_in_search/$objects_per_page)+1; require "../include/navigation.php"; $smarty->assign("products",func_search_products($search_query, $user_account['membership'],$first_page,$total_products_in_search, 0, $sort_by_price)); $smarty->assign("navigation_script","search.php?substring=".urlencode($substring)."&in_category=$in_category"."&search_param01=".urlencode($search_param01)."&search_param02=".urlencode($search_param02)."&search_param03=".urlencode($search_param03).$price_substring); $HTTP_GET_VARS["substring"] = stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS["substring"]); $smarty->assign("main","search"); } else { $smarty->assign("main","advanced_search"); } $smarty->display("customer/home.tpl"); ?>

I then added the following to my advanced_search.tpl and the other templates where I wanted the user to be able to search the beads category:

<table> <form action="search.php" name="productsearchbeads_form"> <tr><td>Beads</td> <td> <select name="search_bead_color"> <option value="">All Colors</option> <option value="blu">Blue</option> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="grn">Green</option> </select> <select name="search_bead_size"> <option value="">All Sizes</option> <option value="s">Small</option> <option value="m">Medium</option> <option value="l">Large</option> </select> <select name="search_bead_material"> <option value="">All Materials</option> <option value="wood">Wood</option> <option value="plastic">Plastic</option> <option value="glass">Glass</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr><td></td></tr> <tr><th>{include file="buttons/search.tpl"}</th></tr> </form> </table>

Now i know that .tpl code is not a particularly smart way of going about things, but I don't know enough about smarty to get it to automatically list the param01, 02, and 03 values. I'm guessing that would be done with a {section} command, like the category menu uses in advanced_search.tpl... Anyone?

- Jordan
Jordan Sitkin
X-Cart 4.0.18 [unix]
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