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Old 12-07-2010, 03:46 AM
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amy2203 amy2203 is offline

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Default Re: LC3 alpha 2 ("X-Cart 5 Lite") is released

Originally Posted by xplorer
"Alpha" means that it is not tested throughly and is incomplete. It is normal that there are bugs in it and that there may be a bug in the installation script that blocks installation of LC3 on your local PC. And you could help us to get rid of the bug by reporting and discussing it as was suggested (this is the only way to understand what is wrong with your PC or with LC3). But instead you are complaining in the forums that there are bugs in the alpha version. Of course, there are bugs! You know that but still prefer to speculate on this matter instead of doing something that would improve LC3.

As I said, we would be glad if you help us and let us know how LC3 alpha 2 behaves in your environment and what problems you face. But we do not force you to do this, especially when it makes you frustrated. If that is the case just ignore the announcement and wait until we release the first production version of LC3.

Maybe something is being lost in translation here. From my point of view as a user, it seems we are blamed for slow progress because we don't do enough testing to find/fix bugs, and we are the ones wasting time on the forums complaining when we could be improving LC3.

From my perspective it is not my job (or anyone elses on the forum) to find/test/report/fix bugs. it is your job. It is also not our job to help other users, post fixes and workarounds, or moderate the forums or enforce QTs rules here.

If we did not do this I would expect that QT would have to do a lot more on the forums, would have to answer a lot more support tickets on the same questions all the time, and one of the biggest advantages XC has would disappear. Whilst I can only speak for myself, I would expect many users here to be here in their own time, we don't have to justify our time to anyone, including QT. I am free to waste my time as I wish, joining in here or watching TV.

This attitude of you doing us a favor by developing the software is backwards. We're doing you a favour by being here and creating this community that is one of XCs best features.

Instead of moaning at people who try to help you do your job, maybe just thank them nicely, politely explain that your documentation isn't quite right about php versions and move on.
X-Cart version 5 (Previously 3.5-4)

Previous Versions included
BCSE Reward Points Mod
Altered Cart On Sale Mod
Wordpress Plugin

Please don't PM me for support. I help where I can on the forum and your question will more likely be answered there.

Shout me a Coffee!
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