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Old 10-21-2010, 01:05 AM
Bellarama Bellarama is offline

Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1

Default Add emphasis to category heading in smarty


Just looking for some guidance on how to add in some em tags within smarty

In my template is the following code:
{if $page_title} <h1>{$page_title|escape}</h1> {/if}

What I would like to do, is detect whether the title is more than one word, and if it is wrap the subsquent words in em tags, so I can style them different.

So for example this is what i want to achieve:
HTML Code:
<h1>New <em>Arrivals</em></h1>

I tried to write some code using the same syntax as the rest of the smarty template, like so:
{if $page_title} {$space_location = strpos($page_title," "); }{*finds the location of the first space, if there is one*} {if $space_location}{*if there is a space (a second word exists in the subject)*} {*take the location between first position and space and add an em tag*} {$thisPageTitle = substr($page_title, 0, $space_location) . "<em>" . substr($page_title, $space_location)} {*add a closing em tag to end of string*} {$thisPageTitle = thisPageTitle . "</em>"} {else} {$thisPageTitle = $page_title} {/if} <h1>{$thisPageTitle|escape}</h1> {/if}

However this actually doesn't work, so I was wondering if it is possible to do what I want and if so how would I do that??

Many Thanks!!!

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