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Old 08-28-2010, 09:04 AM
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amy2203 amy2203 is offline

Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Watford, UK
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Default Re: How do I change the "out of stock" message to "sold out"?

I would guess the code that disables it in the storefront (I assume that means it doesn't appear) is in a php file.

Does it set the status of the product, to disabled or anything, or is the status still avaailable but it still doesn't appear?

If it changes the status, i would guess there's something in the product modify code,so when it changes product details, it also changes the status based on the extra field,

if it doesn't change the status, i'd look in the files that select the products for display and see if it's excluding disabled products and those with -1 in the extra field,

X-Cart version 5 (Previously 3.5-4)

Previous Versions included
BCSE Reward Points Mod
Altered Cart On Sale Mod
Wordpress Plugin

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