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Old 12-03-2003, 03:36 AM
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Default Xcart 3.5.1 Released With Upgrade Kits + Changelog

Xcart 3.5.1 is now in your file area along with Upgrade kits that take you from

V3.5.0 - V3.5.1

Heres the changelog

$Id: CHANGELOG-3.5.1,v 2003/12/02 13:10:24 svowl Exp $

----------------- X-CART v3.5.1 RELEASED

Tue Dec 02 16:08:46 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding the orders export into QuickBooks is fixed: transactions could be unbalanced for orders with many products. Also the format of customer's name field is changed: now it contains a customer's first, last name and login at store, not the orderid as it was before.

Tue Dec 02 12:17:45 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - The probability of gc (garbage collection) routine for sessions of types "1" and "2" when started on each request is set to 90%.

Tue Dec 02 11:40:00 MSK 2003[*] - svowl - Improvement in Speed Bar: 'active' field is added to temporary disabled/enabled menu.

Tue Dec 02 11:16:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding empty list of states in 'General settings' for 'Company state' and 'Default state' options is fixed: the text field is replaced by dropdown box now if the list is empty.

Tue Dec 02 10:18:41 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Phrase "Return to X-Cart" is replaced by "Return to the {Company name}" in payment methods. Company name can be changed in "General settings > Company options" page.

Tue Dec 02 09:43:31 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding running the https modules based on OpenSSL executable and https_cli executable under Linux and Windows is fixed: under windows echo command works in a different way than in unix, and Linux doesn't support bi-directional pipes. Now these modules store requests in a temporary file.

Mon Dec 01 17:38:07 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - All PHP short open tags were replaced by long form of PHP open tags.

Mon Dec 01 16:41:05 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - The possibility to re-install just skin files in modules installations is added.

Mon Dec 01 14:20:22 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding testing Intershipper from admin area is fixed:there were no shipping rates available, but customer area works well.

Mon Dec 01 12:05:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding displaying information about excluding VAT in the cart for customers from non-VAT taxable countries is fixed.

Mon Dec 01 11:43:52 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Permission check for is added to the Patch/Upgrade process.

Mon Dec 01 11:37:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding templates compilation is fixed.

Mon Dec 01 11:06:04 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Compatibility with some hostings, which provide different http and https locations is added. Initial compatibility with magic_quotes_gpc=off is added.

Mon Dec 01 10:43:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding shipping methods list generation for customers in PRO mode is fixed.

Fri Nov 28 16:19:26 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding incorrect working of Webmaster mode in IE is fixed.

Thu Nov 27 18:00:44 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Possibility to turn off trans_sid in PHP 4.3.0 and higher using variable "url_rewriter.tags" is added. To turn off trans_sid, you need to just set it empty. Sessions of type "1" and "2" (which are build-in PHP sessions) are marked as DANGEROUS and are not recommended to use.

Thu Nov 27 16:51:43 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding changing language of a store is fixed.

Thu Nov 27 12:21:15 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding https module based on OpenSSL, CURL and https_cli executables is fixed: included scheme of subroutines is changed. Note: not all installations are affected.

Wed Nov 26 14:42:37 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding products weight < 1 lbs and FedEx shipping module is fixed: no rates were returned if weight was less then 1 lbs. Minimal weight now is 1 lbs because of fedex rate files (Weight does not exceed N lbs).

Wed Nov 26 13:54:21 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding the CC processors testing is fixed: test script was unable to check presence of custom test script.

Tue Nov 25 16:22:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding new style links (like buttons) and Webmaster mode is fixed.

Tue Nov 25 15:58:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding new style links (like buttons) is fixed: the redundant carriage returns that caused on some conditions in go_image.tpl template corrupting of the link.

Tue Nov 25 15:40:04 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Warning regarding prohibited writing to directory while an image is uploaded from user's local computer is added: uploading will be disabled if writing is prohibited.

Tue Nov 25 14:45:30 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Warning regarding prohibited writing to directory in file manager is added. Also action buttons in that case are hidden.

Tue Nov 25 14:43:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding using remote files as images is fixed.

Tue Nov 25 11:21:39 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Right information about disabled shipping now is displayed on provider's "Summary" page.

Mon Nov 24 17:48:45 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - The compatibility with php.ini directive "open_basedir" is added.

Mon Nov 24 14:43:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding VAT is fixed: if a customer from non-VAT taxable country and 'Price includes VAT' options were selected, then cart totals were calculated incorrectly.

Mon Nov 24 14:12:18 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - HTML catalog is improved: regular expression for modifying links to php scripts is corrected.

Mon Nov 24 13:53:02 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Downloading of files is improved: extra param "attachment" is added to header "Content-Disposition" to better handle downloading in Internet Explorer.

Mon Nov 24 12:15:31 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding checkout with one allowed payment method at HTTPS is fixed: redirection to HTTPS if necessary is added.

Mon Nov 24 09:43:27 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding displaying extra fields is improved: closing tag 'td' is placed to the right place.

Fri Nov 21 15:22:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the Speed Bar corruption in the static html-pages generated via 'HTML catalog' section is fixed.

Fri Nov 21 11:40:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding tracking products amount in Wishlist module is fixed.

Fri Nov 21 10:40:30 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding missing charset in func_send_simple_mail is fixed:global variable declaration is missed.

Fri Nov 21 10:08:55 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Customer notes text field is removed from offline payment methods because it duplicates.

Fri Nov 21 10:03:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the corrupted message displaying on some X-GiftRegistry module pages is fixed.

Fri Nov 21 10:03:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding some blank fields in e-mail notifications when a user creates or updates his profile is fixed.

Thu Nov 20 17:53:13 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding "ERROR: Cannot initiate application" and PHP 4.0.6 usage is fixed: PHP 4.0.6 had a different scheme of return codes of include_once/require_once.

Thu Nov 20 17:25:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding new link style (like button) is fixed: the order of items in .Button CSS-style is changed.

Thu Nov 20 12:03:00 MSK 2003 [!] - svowl - The minor bug in the template for Speed bar administration is fixed.

Wed Nov 19 10:09:20 MSK 2003 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding creating directories in installation is fixed.

Tue Nov 18 17:05:58 MSK 2003[*] - mclap - Import of products is improved: import is tested with 150,000 products. All products have been successfully imported.

----------------- X-CART v3.5.0 RELEASED
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