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Old 07-14-2010, 10:28 AM
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gb2world gb2world is offline

Join Date: May 2006
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Default Re: Why are they still using tables for layout?

Thanks - I may use it if I need a css design for products_t for 4.2. As you noted - it was not that hard for 4.1 - but your digging into the loops in 4.3 would save time.

I'm not sure how a lot of you can know that your skills are superior to the QT engineers. But I can't defend much of the css that is released in 4x branch, except to say it has been slow progress, so I cede that point to you - just without the implication about the QT engineer's and programmer's skill level.

If you are really interested and motivated, you have the opportunity to influence V5 by commenting on LCv3. If they follow the drupal standards - the css methodology is all strictly defined by the API & coding standards so that people who design templates and skins and mods will all be consistent. There are many templates - one of which is a clean design intended to be reminiscent of the CSS Zen Garden site. What you end up with is many css files based upon the themes you are using and the mods you have enabled - but you also have css aggregation and compression modules. It always looks like bloat when you don't use it - but it is a compromise with the requirement to support lots of needs. There are drupal themes that intend to reduce css bloat, but at the expense of full flexibility.
You may be right to worry about how QT is integrating to Drupal, if they are following the css (& other) standards - but they have made an alpha version available for their customers to start looking.
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