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Old 07-02-2010, 06:55 AM
geckoday geckoday is offline

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Default Re: X-Payments 1.0 beta5 announcement

Originally Posted by EN4U
Ralph, Ryan.... On the brink of my meeting today whether or not to Jump ship has me going in allot of directions. Last thing I want to do is leave, I hope i have established that.

Reading the posts today, especially from these 2 has me wondering if we do have more time here and all isn't going to come crashing down. My first site here is with authoriznet, which I have heard nothing from or sent any letters about compliance or otherwise. My other site, that goes thru First Data and all ive heard from them was a letter pimping out there choice of PCI scanners and that was early this year, nothing since.

So where are we at? Should I fear things being shut down? Should I bolt as fast as I can? I am in the same boat as everyone else here, confused, dazed and just trying to figure out what in the hell to do.

Authorize.Net is not your payment processor - they are just a gateway. Whoever sends you your merchant statement is your payment processor.

You should not fear being shut down and there is no reason to bolt. Its unlikely your payment processor will shut you off without giving you some time to comply - especially when your software vendor is making progress on compliance. Other issues you have while waiting for Qualiteam are:

1. Liability. You are now required by VISA to use a PA-DSS compliant payment application whether or not anyone is checking up on you. If you are breached and are not doing so your payment processor might pass some fines down your way. It might also increase your liability for breach clean-up costs (replacing cards, etc.). And VISA might impose restrictions like forcing you to hire a QSA (big bucks) to certify your PCI-DSS compliance for you to continue taking credit cards.

2. If you decide to shop around payment processors you may find you can't switch to a new processor because some are asking what software you are using and won't take you if its not PA-DSS certified.
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