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Old 05-29-2010, 05:56 PM
TheGardenBath TheGardenBath is offline

Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 10

Default Re: Highslide gallery (4.2 and 4.1) and single (4.2)

No worries, Tal!

I fixed that line in the js and the highslide seems to be working now.

Maybe I don't understand how it's supposed to work - it's not behaving how I expected now that I can see it in action.

Before, with the detailed image set to be in a popup window, the product thumb that I uploaded was on the product page and when you clicked it, the detailed product image would pop up.

Now, with highslide enabled, there is the original product thumb image but also a 2nd thumb image. If you click on the product thumb, it does the highslide popup, but since it's a thumb and already the small size that it is, it doesn't really get bigger - in other words, it does NOT popup to the larger detailed product image.

The 2nd thumb image DOES popup with highslide to the detailed product image.

Is there supposed to be 2 thumbs like this? I expected just the one thumb would open the larger detailed image. Is there a setting that maybe I need to change? I've tried doing single image, gallery, and mini-gallery so far. In mini-gallery there is only 1 thumb image on the product page, but it doesn't link to the detailed product image, it just pops up itself (no larger, if that makes sense).

What I was expecting was similar to the way the original pop-up worked, just with a nicer pop-up!

Any more advice? I truly appreciate your support with this!
X-cart Gold 4.3.1

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