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Old 02-25-2010, 08:32 AM
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gizmo gizmo is offline

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Default Re: IE7 is killing me

Well out of the box x-cart is fine with all browsers, apart from maybe minor issues.

If you have custom design done by others or yourself, then this is down purely, to bad development, for other browsers. Your main issues as I see are IE6/7 although some people don't bother development for ie6...

It's all down to getting ie6/7 css sorted you will be surprised for example what >

zoom: 1;

Can do to fix many issues for the dreaded IE. At the end of the day if you done this yourself or a developer, you need to just read up on your issues that you are having.

So really they are not bugs but all related to cross browser compatibility that hasn't been taken into account.

Sorry I cannot be of more help, if it was my site I would start with fixing the issues in what you should have is ie6/7 css style sheets and add fixes there, also a simple clear fix can put right to many issues you are having with ie..

Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm sure many other people would agree it's purely bad development...
Thank You - Alan
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