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Old 11-08-2003, 11:19 AM
bluecat bluecat is offline

Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 674


I want people to have the option of a "Browse all Coats" for example. So when they click on the Coats category originally, they'll then see say 6 subcategories, but they'll also have "Browse All Coats" option as well, which lets them view all the coats within the subcategories. The reason is I figure some may just want to start browsing everything to see what they want. A perfect example is, in our Gloves section, there are like 3 lined gloves, 2 unlined, 1 cut protection, etc. Some may not know the difference between lined and unlined and may just want to look through all of them with a click of a button at first and browse.

I tried the search method you said, and it comes back with no results. Do you know where I would find which category each is in? Thanks again.
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