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Old 10-23-2009, 04:06 PM
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JWait JWait is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart 4.3 beta testing

While playing with 4.3 and working with 4.2.3 I have noticed a difference in the order status when using AIM. In 4.2.x when the method in is set to "auth" any orders using a credit card come through as "pre-authorized" with no way to change the status other than clicking on the "capture" or "decline" buttons (and no email is sent to the customer on order placement, but that is a whole different can of worms).

In 4.3, the AIM module works the same as in the 4.1.x releases. Is this the way it is going to be in the stable 4.3 release or is it going to be the garbage that is in 4.2.x?

Are there any plans to fix the problems in the 4.2.x branches?
Two Separate X-Cart Stores
Version 4.4.4 Gold - X-AOM - Vivid Dreams Aquamarine (modified) - Linux
Mods - Newest Products - View All -, and a few others. Numerous upgrades from 4.0.x series.
Integrated with Stone Edge Order Manager + POS

Version 4.1.12 Gold (fresh install) - X-AOM - Linux
Mods - XCSEO free