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Old 08-28-2009, 06:49 PM
sharingsunshine sharingsunshine is offline

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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Default Static Page Include Problem


I have embedded static pages I want to include a .tpl file in. I am doing this thru the pages.tpl file. Here is my code in the pages.tpl file:

{* $Id: pages.tpl,v 2005/01/19 06:42:51 max Exp $ *} {capture name=dialog} {if $smarty.get.pageid eq "1" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "2" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "3" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "4" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "5" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "6" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "7" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "8" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "9" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "12"} {include file="rjw/welcome_ship.tpl"} {elseif $smarty.get.pageid eq "11"} {include file="rjw/sitemap.tpl"} {/if} {if $page_content ne ''} {if $config.General.parse_smarty_tags eq "Y"} {eval var=$page_content} {else} {$page_content} {if $smarty.get.pageid eq "1" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "2" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "3" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "4" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "5" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "6" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "7" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "8" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "9" or $smarty.get.pageid eq "12"} {include file="rjw/welcome_ship.tpl"}{/if} {/if} {/if} {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title=$page_data.title content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

This is the same arrangement I have used for another copy of x-cart I have that isn't as current. I have ticked in general setting "Parse Smarty tags in the content of embedded static pages: "

For some reason it isn't recognizing the .tpl file. I have looked in the source code of page in question and no navigation bar is being displayed.

Please let me know why this isn't working. The 4.0.19 is the one I am having trouble with.


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