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Old 06-17-2009, 03:14 AM
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Victor D Victor D is offline

Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 643

Default Re: Free "What's New?" X-Cart module released!

I suppose it shows the product you have added today.
Since there are no other products added within last two weeks this is the only product in this category.
Try to use 30 instead of 14 or even 300 (to grab all your products sorted by add date in reverse order)



Browse to your administration area -> "General Settings" then select "Whats' New" from "Modules options" and set how many days products are considered to be new.
Edit lbl_wnmod_title language variable to change 'New products' dialog title and lbl_wnmod_whatsnew language variable to change categories menu link text.

Add this code in the place where you want to show new products notification (in any tpl file you like). We recommend to use the very beginning of the /skin1/customer/home_main.tpl file.

{if $active_modules.Whats_New && $new_products_count gt 0}
{include file="modules/Whats_New/Whats_New.tpl" top="100" left="100" background="bubble_007171.png"}

This code has parameters you can tweak to achieve maximum of appearance compatibility with your store:

top (optional) distance in pixels from top side of screen if not specified, bubble being displayed at centre of screen
left (optional) distance in pixels from left side of screen if not specified, bubble being displayed at centre of screen
background (optional) Filename of bubble image, one from our predefined set if not specified, default bubble being displayed
So you should find the code
{include file="modules/Whats_New/Whats_New.tpl"}
in your templates and change top and left to adjust bubble location
Victor Dubiniuk

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