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Old 10-18-2003, 08:05 AM
Scurvy Scurvy is offline

Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 15

Default Update

Thanks Shan I sent a note to Quliteam. In the meantime I have this almost solved, but one thing is hanging me up.

I have a form that inserts the needed data into the customers table. Everything seems to work, the customer can log in and browse, and when I manage customers as an admin they are all there on the list. But, when either the customer or an admin trys to modify the profile using the standard X-cart form, the existing data does not appear in the form. You can input all the data there and then it shows up next time you modify. But the first time you go to modify, the existing data does not show.

All the data submitted by our form is in the table. The fields we input are firstname, lastname, usertype,membership,email,login,password.

Whats wierd is if I use phpMyAdmin and manually add a row to the table and type in the same data in those fields, the data DOES show in the modify form!

If anyone has any ideas please help.
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