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Old 10-09-2003, 11:11 PM
rrf rrf is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 543

Default Re: So what's the deals with

Originally Posted by batmon
HTML editing sounds really cool. Looks like I can simply go with LiteCommerce instead of xcart gold. I pay double the LiteCommerce price and I don't use the mutilingual features, I only use PayPal gateway, and newsletter feature in X-Cart Gold is pretty sucky has everyone already knew. Sounds to me litecommerce might be a better package then x-cart gold. Don't you think they should spend more time on improving x-cart gold??

Regarding the comparsion chart we would like to inform you it is missing several important X-Cart features. We are working on creating more detailed comparsion chart.

Please refer to if you want to know why don't we develop some of the LiteCommerce features in X-Cart.

Regarding the LiteCommerce => X-Cart or X-Cart => LiteCommerce license exchanges: yes, it is possible. The exchange conditions depend on the expiration status of your moneyback period. Please contact our sales department for more details.
Sincerely yours,
Ruslan R. Fazliev,

Twitter: @aznakai
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