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Old 10-08-2003, 04:22 PM
wilsha wilsha is offline

Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 5


Well it was a lucky guess on my part for some of it, but if you open the file you will see a section referring to $fillerror

That section shows which fields are required, so I carefully deleted the section that I didn't want.

(empty($contact["firstname"]) || is the part you need to delete. what I just pasted is an example, because I actually left first name. But the others, referring to country or address or phone I deleted. be very careful you don't take out any necessary part. I did them only one at a time.

Then I went to the contactus.tpl file and found the sections referring to the form fields I didn't want. I selected the entire table row holding that information for each section and deleted.

I started with the zip code first - it seemed easy to find and then I tested the form to be sure it would submit.

After that was successful, I just did the rest of the fields one at a time and tested. First the section in the help.php file, then the tpl file, then test. Repeat those steps.

Hope this helps.

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