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Old 11-05-2002, 10:39 PM
derrick92130 derrick92130 is offline

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Default new element in xcart_orders table...

I'm not sure I understand where you are having the problem.

To add a new characteristic to the order table that is modified/updated through the history_order template, you would first modify the table in the database to include the new field.

You would need to modify the history_order template to be able to capture the data for the new field.

You would need to modify the order.php file to process the POST request that is made through the history_order template.

You "may" also need to modify the /xcart/include/func.php file which is where all of the "function func_xxx_order_xxx" functions reside. This is where the $orders array, etc are constructed.

If this info isn't helpful, maybe you could let me know exactly what is working and what part isn't.

NOTE: The details above are for X-Cart version 3.2.1, if you are using an earlier version, the functions are all in /xcart/config.php.

Hope this helps,
FreeRangeMinds, LLC
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