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Old 01-23-2009, 04:52 PM
donavichi donavichi is offline

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Posts: 697

Default Re: The future of X-Cart and LiteCommerce

That's great news! It's about time you gave it a thorough overhaul and drag it into the modern era.

Don't just respond to AJAX and web 2.0 though. If you're going to reinvent X-Cart, do something groundbreaking with it that sets you apart from the free/paid competition.

Regardless of price-point, X-Cart has major benefits over all other carts which need to be built-on, but also major shortcomings which can be answered simply enough.

The real challenge going forward is how to push the boundaries and reinvigorate the brand with a revolutionary product, not just a step-forward into line with other people.

I trust in X-Cart to take this chance to push themselves and break the mould by offering a feature-set that is peerless and a level of efficiency for both database admins/store owners & consumers.

Good luck & DON'T RUSH IT!
Best regards,

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