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Old 12-17-2008, 06:12 AM
ChristineP ChristineP is offline

Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 310

Default Short and Detailed description

I've added a lot of information in our shopping cart and now I've added tabs for the products. Though I've found where X-Cart calls out the description as {$product.fulldescr} but I need to distinguish between the short and detailed descriptions. Having information in both the short and detailed description with {$product.fulldescr} only shows the detailed description in my tab. If I have a product that has only the short description, then X-Cart displays that information with the {$product.fulldescr}. I'd like the short description to be my "features" and the detailed description to be my "specifications". Can someone tell me what each tpl calls out for short description and seperately for detailed description?
version 4.1.9 Gold
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