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Old 09-23-2003, 04:49 AM
maki maki is offline

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Default Upselling Products module modification

Hi all !!!

I have modified Upselling Products module

- Added: thumbnails in products links
- Added: Add to cart
- Added: if product link has options ...

the new related_products.tpl located in ../skin1/modules/Upselling_Products :

{* $Id: related_products.tpl,v 1.7 2003/11/26 10:27:05 mAKI Exp $ *} {if $product_links ne ""} {capture name=dialog} <table border=0 cellspacing=5 width="100%"> {section name=cat_num loop=$product_links} <tr class="ItemsList"> <td align=center valign=center> {include file="product_thumbnail.tpl" productid=$product_links[cat_num].productid image_x=60} </td> <td colspan="4" align=top valign=top><hr size=1 noshade align=top> <table border=0 cellspacing=5 width="100%"> <tr class="ItemsList"> <td colspan="3" align=top valign=top> {$product_links[cat_num].product|escape} </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign=top> {if $product_links[cat_num].price ne 0} {if $product_links[cat_num].list_price gt 0 and $product_links[cat_num].price lt $product_links[cat_num].list_price} {math equation="100-(price/lprice)*100" price=$product_links[cat_num].price lprice=$product_links[cat_num].list_price format="%d" assign=discount} <font class=MarketPrice>{$lng.lbl_market_price}: <s>{include file="currency.tpl" value=$product_links[cat_num].list_price}</s></font> {/if} <font class=ProductPrice>{$lng.lbl_our_price}: {include file="currency.tpl" value=$product_links[cat_num].price}</font> <font class=MarketPrice>{include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$product_links[cat_num].price}</font> {if $product_links[cat_num].list_price gt 0 and $product_links[cat_num].price lt $product_links[cat_num].list_price}, {$lng.lbl_save} {$discount}%{/if} {if $config.Taxes.use_vat eq "Y" and $product_links[cat_num].vat gt "0"}, {$lng.lbl_including_vat} {$product_links[cat_num].vat}%{/if} {else} <font class=ProductPrice>{$lng.lbl_enter_your_price}</font> {/if} </td> <td colspan="3" align="right" valign=center> {if $usertype eq "C" and $config.Appearance.buynow_button_enabled eq "Y"} {include file="customer/main/buy_now.tpl" product=$product_links[cat_num]} {/if} </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> {/section} </table> {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_related_products content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"} {/if}
2003/10/12 ---> edited the code

- Added: |escape:"html" in the $smarty's variables "add to cart"
- Removed: Showing "product prices by quantity" in list products (it showed the prices of the main article, still adding variable "product=$product_links[cat_num]" in in the call to the file buy_now.tpl ... lol
2003/11/26 ---> edited the code

- Removed "add to cart" code if $js_disabled. (this verification is made from buy_now.tpl) thanks Jon
- Removed "add to whishlist" (is added from buy_now.tpl)
- Fixed sintax error (thanks Jon)
- Fixed Link Add to Cart if product as options
2004/03/19 ---> edited the code: related_products.php

- Added Multilingual Products
- Added Fix security patch detected by X-Cart Team in all 3.4.x versions

Backup and edit ../xcart/modules/Upselling_Products/related_products.php
to replace the original code by the following one:

<? /*****************************************************************************\ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Cart | | Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Ruslan R. Fazliev <> | | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT" | | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE | | THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. | | FAZLIEV (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING | | AVAILABLE TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). | | PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT | | CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, | | COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY | | (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS | | LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THIS | | AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS COPYRIGHTS AND | | OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. THIS | | AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE.| | THE AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2003 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: related_products.php,v 2004/03/19 11:57:50 mAKI Exp $ # # This Module forms list of upsailing products # if ( !defined('XCART_SESSION_START') ) { header("Location: ../../"); die("Access denied"); } $membership = $user_account['membership']; $p_cat = (empty ($cat) ? "0" : $cat); if ($config["General"]["unlimited_products"]=="N") $avail_condition = "$sql_tbl[products].avail>0 and "; else $avail_condition = ""; $product_links = func_query($search_query = "select DISTINCT $sql_tbl[products].*, $sql_tbl[categories].category, $sql_tbl[pricing].price from $sql_tbl[products], $sql_tbl[pricing], $sql_tbl[categories], $sql_tbl[product_links] where ($sql_tbl[pricing].membership='') and ($sql_tbl[pricing].productid=$sql_tbl[products].productid) and ($sql_tbl[pricing].quantity=1) and ($sql_tbl[products].categoryid=$sql_tbl[categories].categoryid) and $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' and ($sql_tbl[products].productid=$sql_tbl[product_links].productid2) and ($sql_tbl[product_links].productid1='$productid') ORDER BY $sql_tbl[products].product"); if(is_array($product_links)){ foreach($product_links as $p_v => $p_k){ $int_res = ''; if(is_array($p_k)){ # # Check if product have product options # $product_links[$p_v][product_options] = array_pop(func_query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sql_tbl[product_options] WHERE productid='".$p_k["productid"]."'")); # # Replace descr and fulldescr on international (if defined) # $int_res = func_query_first("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[products_lng] WHERE code='$store_language' AND productid='".$p_k['productid']."'"); if ($int_res["product"]){ $product_links[$p_v]["product"] = stripslashes($int_res["product"]); } if ($int_res["descr"]){ $product_links[$p_v]["descr"] = str_replace("\n"," ", stripslashes($int_res["descr"])); } if ($int_res["full_descr"]){ $product_links[$p_v]["fulldescr"] = str_replace("\n"," ", stripslashes($int_res["full_descr"])); } } } }; $smarty->assign("product_links",$product_links); ?>
suggestions and corrections well will be received

greetings !!!
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