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Old 07-03-2008, 12:49 PM
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gb2world gb2world is offline

Join Date: May 2006
Location: Austin, TX
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Default Re: Shadowbox Integration

Has anyone overcome difficulties associated with conflict of shadowbox (or greybox) with other javascript? I have shadowbox and greybox running on several XCART & non-XCART sites - but I've come across one that is conflicting with other javascript code.

This is not specific to to PhilJ's mod - but to Shadowbox.

I am trying to implement shadowbox on an xcart site that has tons of other javascript. I can strip all the javascript from the page, and the shadowbox works fine - and is very stable. I cannot isolate the conflict to any particular javascript code - but other code or a combination of other javascript code starts to cause instability in the shadowbox code. (I suspect the fancy categories code as well as some preload code from dreamweaver)

I think the instability has to do with the shadowbox requirement for the initialization - that is - the window.onload. For some reason - other javascript code seems to sometimes cause the Shadowbox.init to not be handled properly - especially on a page reload. The result is - instability where some pages have the shadowbox not load.

So - I'm trying to figure out how to get the window.onload to be stable. If anyone has come across this before and solved it - any hints you can offer would be appreciated!
X-CART (4.1.9,12/4.2.2-3/4.3.1-2/4.4.1-5)-Gold
(CDSEO, Altered-Cart On Sale, BCSE Preorder Backorder, QuickOrder, X-Payments, BCSE DPM Module)
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