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Old 10-27-2002, 10:27 PM
syddos syddos is offline

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: London, England, UK
Posts: 259


Hi Amy,

There are several variables in the language database section, that need to be changed, some have incorrect grammar, others are just confusing, and some should replace the current info, with information about YOUR site. e.g telephone numbers, your website name etc.

Originally Posted by Amy
1) Where is the txt_create_profile_msg stored?

Here is a list of to check and change.
Note: some of these variables have text that MUST be replaced with information relating to your own website.

TEXT (txt_) Key: ct = changed or corrected text
txt_anonymous_account_msg - ct
txt_contact_us_header - ct
txt_create_profile_msg - ct
txt_egoods_msg - ct
txt_faq - to create text.
txt_newbie_registeration_bottom - ct
txt_newsletter_message - ct
txt_ordered_placed_msg - ct
txt_password_recover_message2 - ct
txt_privacy_statement - to review/create text
txt_profile_created - ct
txt_register_have_account - ct
txt_registration_error - ct
txt_search_order - to review/create text
txt_site_title - ct
txt_thankyou_for_subscription - ct
txt_unsubscribe_msg - ct
txt_welcome - ct

EMAIL (eml_) Key: ct = changed or corrected text
eml_egoods_download_note - ct
eml_signature - ct
eml_thankyou_for_order - ct
eml_unsubscribe_admin_msg - ct

Note: Some of these variables contain HTML, I have found it easier to read and edit, if you cut-n-paste the contents into notepad or any other text editor

Originally Posted by Amy
2) Where is the txt_create_profile supposed to be showing up on x-cart cause I can't find it.

/main/register.tpl is the template with the "txt_create_profile_msg".

This is the code from the top part of register.tpl.

{* $Id: register.tpl,v 1.43 2002/09/09 12:50:27 zorg Exp $ *}
{include file="check_email_script.tpl"}
{if $smarty.get.mode eq "update" or $ eq "update"}
{assign var="last_location" value=$lng.lbl_modify_profile}
{elseif $smarty.get.mode eq "delete" or $ eq "delete"}
{assign var="last_location" value=$lng.lbl_delete_profile}
{elseif $last_location eq ""}
{assign var="last_location" value=$lng.lbl_new_member}
{include file="location.tpl" last_location=$last_location}
{if $newbie eq "Y"}
{if $registered eq ""}
{if $smarty.get.mode eq "update"}
<font class=TableCenterSmallText>

{capture name=dialog}


Nothing is impossible, We just don't know how to do it ........Yet!

Xcart 4.1.X PRO (Testing Platform: winXP Pro)
Perl 5.8.7 (win32)
WINAMP 1.6.3 (win32 server package. Includes the following)
- phpMyAdmin v2.8.03
- MySql 5.0.21
- Apache 2.0.55 (win32)
- php 5.1.4
- SQLitemanager 1.2.0
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